Morning Mantra (1 min)
Morning Mantra (1 min)
I start this day
Like the day before
With the notion of beauty
And sweetness that I carry with me
I embrace the day with openness and a sense of discovery for anything is possible
There is no perfect place
Like the one I am in now
I am present and mindful
I take the time I need to do what needs to be done
I am strong. I am righteous. I do the right thing.
I am surrounded by love and abundance and so much joy. The gratitude fills my entire body.
There is a lot to do as usual.
I can choose how I show up today and how I spend my time. I will use it wisely.
I make good decisions. I prioritize. I am honest about what I need and what I want.
I am mindful about what I put into my body and how I take care of my body.
There is no day like today and no time like now for this is my one true and wondrous life.